Sunday, December 31, 2006

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

New Year's Eve has never been my favorite holiday.  It just has too much responsibility.  When you are young, there is this big built up expectation to go out and get crazy.  More often than not, that didn't really work out.  Don't get me wrong -- I have had some great ones -- but I also had many that involved arguments and misunderstandings and tears.  Not the best way to wipe the slate clean and start over.
Then there's the whole kissing thing.  If you have someone to kiss at midnight it can be a sweet, romantic moment.  If you don't, it can be heartbreakingly lonely.  You can be surrounded by people you love (or maybe just people you really like) and if there isn't one there just for you...well, sometimes it requires a "buck up camper" moment or two.
This year, as I have in several years past, I'll be heading out to the RBC Center to watch a hockey game.  I love this developing tradition (this is my 4th year) because even though it's just another game, the atmosphere is more potent and you are "doing something" on New Year's. 
Being the nostalgic person that I am, there will be thoughts of nights spent at the Golden Horseshoe (is it still open?) or in an apartment high over Central Park.  A night in Kelly Henderson's living room and a hotel room watching the sun rise in Virginia Beach.  I welcomed in the new millennium with 18 thousand others...and James Taylor.
Lots of memories made and many more in the new year.  I hope wherever you are or whatever you are doing tonight that you are going to have a good time.  And I hope you have someone to kiss at midnight.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Boogie Shoes

So, I know at least 3 other people who are loving Studio 60 on NBC.  I am definitely one of them, but I had to get past an initial uneasiness about a plot that is so similar to that of my beloved Sports Night.  I thought maybe Aaron Sorkin was suddenly on the hook for the next big thing and simply recycled his last, best idea before The West Wing.  After a few weeks I decided to get over it.  However, linking the similarities of those two shows and all the connections to another media darling, Desperate Housewives, could turn into a fun parlor game.
* The first guest on the first minute of Studio 60 was Felicity Huffman.
* Two of the housewives (albeit one of them is dead) are former enemies on Sports Night -- Dana and Sally moved to Wisteria Lane and became friends.
* Jeremy is, was, and will always be Jeremy.  I still don't remember his character's name on The West Wing.  It's just Jeremy.
* On Sports Night, Dana goes a little nuts whenever they play the KC & the Sunshine Band hit -- a few years later Lynette did the same trying to ditch her needy boss.
* Why do all three of Aaron Sorkin's shows have a prominent character named Danny?  (ok, he was Dan on Sports Night)
* The production company for Studio 60 is Shoe Money.  Either you know this one or I've lost you entirely. 
[If you go on Wikipedia and look up Sports Night there is an extensive list of these things with The West Wing.]