Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

"That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,
an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn..."

Growing up in Southern California, I could always be sure of two things. Wearing shorts on New Year's Day and REM being playing IMMEDIATELY after an earthquake on KROQ. I remember running to turn on the radio while my building was still shaking, at 4 in the morning, after the Northridge quake in 1994. It's almost how we knew the world really was shaking around us and that it wasn't all a weird dream.

I heard it tonight on my way home from work and finally really heard the third line. Hmm. Ernesto is on the way to NC right now and it's pouring outside. Who know it would work for both coasts?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Beautiful Day

What a wonderful weekend! Our traveling party was made up of my step-grandmother, Lola, our family friend, Nelda, my mother and myself. We arrived in Providence on Thursday and crashed at an airport hotel then drove out to Sandwich (Mass) on Friday morning. We caught up with the family at lunch and had the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner (lobster, anyone?). At the rehearsal we all got to see the proposal slideshow Seth made for Beverly -- it was about 45 minutes long, terribly romantic, and after watching it I really got to know them both a lot better.
Saturday, we woke up to a perfect day. The ladies and I decided to take a short trip up to Plymouth to do a little sight-seeing. As soon as we got there, we got a call that we had moved up the gathering time for family pictures before the ceremony. We had a quick lunch (more lobster) and hustled back to Sandwich. Oh yes, and we saw the actual Plymouth Rock. Did you know it is actually just a rock in a hole in the ground with spotlights?

The ceremony was held at a large garden in front of an enormous windmill. I have never really wanted to get married outside myself, but if I did, it would be there. It was just so pretty. My part (the reading) was right after their vows -- so I had the extra benefit of being a bit choked up before I ever tried to speak. I made it through ok and a lot of people after said they could tell "that was hard for me." I read a letter written by my grandfather who wasn't able to travel and he has been the guiding light in my life. Hard doesn't even begin to describe it.

Seth and Beverly are currently on their first trip overseas, driving around Ireland and I'm sure, taking thousands of pictures. I'm so jealous -- I offered to go with and be their personal driver -- oddly enough, they didn't take me up on it.

This is my Uncle Don and Aunt Gail, Beverly and Seth, and my younger cousin, Aaron.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Weekend in New England

I'm just about ready to leave for my cousin's wedding in Massachusetts this weekend.  I've never been to Cape Cod before and I'm really looking forward to going someplace new and seeing that side of my family.  I've always felt like there was a city mouse/country mouse aspect to our relationship while we were growing up.  We grew up on opposite sides of the country; he in a big suburban area and I spent my childhood on a farm out in the boonies; he's a boy, I'm a girl -- the list goes on and on.  We didn't see each other much and I think that we both appreciate each other more now that we are older.  The groom has a younger brother named Aaron -- he is 13 years younger than me and reminds me a lot of myself.  I have only met the bride once, but she has been a part of our family for a few years now and it's time to make it all legal.  It should be a fun weekend.  Did I mention I have to read in public?  Seth and Beverly asked me to read something during the ceremony and we settled on a letter written by my grandfather, who can't make the trip.  It should be a special moment.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ever the Same

A few things have been keeping me busy lately. I went out of town for several days. Work has been nuts. The new girl quit (not without a lot of drama) and we've been hustling to keep things going. So much going on and so little to tell about it.

It's been hot, hot, hot. It put a bit of a damper on my trip -- it was too hot to go outside!

A week from tomorrow I'm flying to Cape Cod for my cousin Seth's wedding. Most of our little family will be there and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. My family is very spread out and we don't see each other often so weekend's like this one are precious. A few weeks after that I'll be heading to Vegas to see Kim and then on to So Cal to see her family.

By the way, the new dark chocolate M&M's are awesome.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's Not Easy Being Green

So, I've not been writing much lately, but it's not because I don't have anything to say. Work has been extra-challenging for the last month, I was dealing with some minor medical stuff, and I've spent the last several days away from home. I've noticed most of my other friends with blogs haven't written much lately either, so I'm not alone!

I found this cute test -- it seems to be true, about me anyway. I'll write much more soon -- hope y'all are staying cool.

You Are Scooter
Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick.You're always willing to lend a helping hand.In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going."15 seconds to showtime!"