Monday, February 11, 2008

Say Goodbye

Stillman, Commodore headed to Ottawa after trade from Carolina
Caniac Nation is freaking out a bit today. I came home and did what I do when hockey trades go down. I check out what the interwebs have to say.

It's never good when the trade headline give top billing to the players leaving your team. It's like, these two great guys have gone away to win where they can. Good luck with that, boys! Oh yeah, almost forgot. You get these two back in return. Good luck with that, Canes fans.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Shot Heard Round the World

I heard the words before I realized what was happening.

"When in the course of human events..."

As soon as I heard them I stopped and stood still.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

These are words that put my life on this path. And made me fall in love with the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Dr King.

"We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. If you saw it you know these were read by football players, coaches, NYPD officers, soldiers. It was just a part of the pre-game hoopla. A national holiday for most -- I'm glad they threw it in. It made my day.


When I was a little girl I thought I was really, really lucky to be born a blonde, blue-eyed girl with two parents and that I was born in California, the best state in the best country in the world! Really, what are the odds? This wasn't a supremacy thing or anything like that, it's just that I knew there were people who were poor, or other races, or who spoke other languages or lived in someplace far away like Iowa (the horror!). I knew I had been blessed with an easy start. Statistically I had hit the jackpot. Like I said, I was little and my world view was, well, rather small.

As I've grown up, I've really come to realize I didn't have it all that wrong. I grew up with very fortunate circumstances. Sure, my parents divorced and money was an issue. But I've always had a place to live, food to eat and people who love me. I got a great education and I didn't have to take classes at night or work 3 jobs to do it. I've been unlucky in love (so far), but I have great friends and family and I always have something fun to do. I work really hard and feel like I've earned what I have.

There's still this little voice that tells me I've had things too easy, that other people have it so hard. I need to give something back and throughout the year I scatter token donations to the AHA, the ACS, and the USO (I really like buying phone cards for soldiers at the holidays). I walk for juvenile diabetes (for Beth) and for breast cancer (for Linda & Phyllis). My new favorite is Kiva ( With Kiva, you get to lend money to an actual person to improve their life and then they pay you back and you can help someone else.

Some friends are very instrumental in raising money for Beacon of Hope, a charity in Africa. They put on a concert every year here in North Carolina to raise money for strangers, a half a world away. This year we were able to download some of the artists' songs before the show. The week before the concert I was in California visiting my old haunts, but listening to music that tied me back to this place and made me think about women a world away. Overlooking the beach at Bodega Head I marveled once again at my luck.

So lately, because of this concert and this music and this opportunity to help women so far away, I've recently chosen businesswomen to help in Tanzania. All because of one song.

Oh yeah -- and I know now that CA isn't the greatest state. And I'm actually quite partial to Canada.