Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Brown Eyed Girl

It's Fat Tuesday. Three years ago I was in New Orleans in the fall, with one good friend and a bunch of people I barely knew. I wore a sweater that was much too hot for such a steamy place -- absolutely inappropriate for dancing with a Hurricane in my hand. Every bar was playing Brown Eyed Girl. For years I associated that song with the Fourth of July, but now it will remain my New Orleans song.

When I was getting ready for work this morning I couldn't find my Mardi Gras beads -- the good ones from when I visited that city last winter. So many people have lost so much -- and I'm bummed that I can't find my plastic beads. Selfish girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a whole bag full from living in that area for 2 years................so if you need to borrow some just let me know!
Use to have a tree decorated in beads, ribbons, and masks for X-mas. Was real cool looking!
Just got back from cruise on Mexican Riveara. Had fun but I'm fried from the sun!