Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lucky Ball and Chain

My friend Warren is getting married today.  I know he reads this once in a while so I don't want to say anything too goofy, but I'm really very happy for him.  It is supposed to be on a boat in CA and some of my old friends will be there, who I have not seen in eight and a half years.  I can't believe so much time has passed.  Isn't it funny how people can be like your family and then one day they aren't anymore?  I've encountered that more than once in my life and it always surprises me.  Maybe that's why it is so much harder to meet people as you get older? 
I spent today at a football game.  Duke lost in spectacular fashion to Navy.  Maybe it's because it was so, so cold.  I woke up sick this morning -- just a bad cold I think, but I cancelled everything I had planned after the football game.  I'm home now, curled up on my couch, waiting for a hockey game to start and hoping I'll be able to stay awake for the whole thing.  Not looking so good right about now.
So, before I lose the rest of today to a cold-infused haze, I wanted to wish Warren and his bride the very best. 

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