Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Seatbacks and Traytables

My vacation with Kim and her family was wonderful. I was afraid that it would be too long or we'd try to do too much. I'm going to try to write about the best parts, if only so we can look back a year from now and remember what it was like.

The Goveas arrival in Raleigh was a long time in coming. They were supposed to come LAST May, but a new job postponed everything. So, with the kids a year older we embarked on a grand tour of NC and DC. When the day finally came for them to get on the plane and get here already, there was an electrical storm at their stopping point in New York City. If only they're known their layover and delay were going to give them about 7 hours in NYC they could have taken a taxi ride to Times Square.

We spent the first day in Raleigh slowly -- everyone was tired after their 3 am arrival. Add that to a 3 hour time difference and it was a slow morning. We bravely went roller skating. I think Kaitlyn took to it right away, but of course she's the closest to the ground so falling can't have hurt her much. Christian tried for about 5 minutes and was d-o-n-e done. I figure skated for 5 years so roller blades, while different, weren't totally scary for me. Kim did really well too. Ed however, was a story unto himself.

At some point Kaitlyn fell in front of Ed. Ed fell over trying to save his daughter's life. That's his story and he stuck to it all week. In the process he badly sprained his ankle, requiring a trip to the Rex emergency room the next day to get a cast.

Once Ed was casted (?) and fitted with crutches, it was on to our next activity. I wanted them to spend a little time with my mom and Wayne, so they could see the kids for the first time in several years. We decided to go bowling. The kids had a great time and we all got to play for a while. Unfortunately, due to some faulty bowling shoes, Wayne took a tumble and cracked a rib. Apparently, it's dangerous to enjoy any family activities with this group!

Later we went to see The Bridge to Terebithia at Raleighwood. If you've never been to Raleighwood, it's an interesting experience. An old theater fitted with restaurant tables and they feed you dinner while you watch a movies. The Bridge to Terebithia was one of my favorite books when I was Christian's age. Watching the movie, I didn't remember a single part of it except for the creek and the places the kids played, because it was just how I imagined it and it looked just like where I grew up. I even had a bridge across a creek. This movie will figure in later in the trip...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont think you should be the activity director for their next trip. It sounds like you had a very tramatic week. wd