Sunday, April 27, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

I'm sitting in the Las Vegas airport waiting to go home. I'm still sunburned and I'm tired - body and mind. I learned a lot of thinks I don't need to know, figured out my phone, and had my fancy dinner (stretch Hummers were involved along with a lot of food I can barely describe).

My plane will take me back to NC late (late!) tonight and I'll be headed to my parents to pick up Zoey. After sleeping in their guest bed, the hotel bed, Kaitlyn's bed and Kim's couch, it will be VERY nice to sleep in my own bed Friday night. I can't remember the last time I was so happy to be leaving Las Vegas.

*Note: I actually wrote this Thursday but for some reason it didn't post. I'm posting it now from the comfort of my own office in my own house.

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