Thursday, November 13, 2008

On Love, In Sadness

The last time I wore my black coat was a long time ago.

It was cold and there as snow on the ground. I was far away from home, but somehow home at the same time.

I wore it last night to a hockey game. I had to empty out my pockets to go through security. In them, I found some pebbles, a 5-inch long stem from a rose, and a card with his name on it that I don't remember ever seeing before. I also had one of the coins I sorted with my cousins. Why isn't it with the others? I had a flag pin on my lapel, but not the special one he gave me. I had one black glove. I don't know where it's mate is and I don't remember seeing it before either. I don't even know if it's mine.

The last time I wore my black coat I was in Indiana with my family, saying goodbye to my grandfather. It was the end of winter and once I got home I hung it in the closet and left it there during the long spring, summer and fall. It's hard to believe it's already so cold again and so much time has passed.

I still really miss him.


Anonymous said...

Your story made me think about my favorite winter coat I lost at a Dodgers vs Cubs game. It was warmer than expected and my friends and I took off our jackets and left them in a empty seat. Someone took mine and another one. I always had tickets to games, my good gloves, and lots of misc stuff. I wonder what the thief thought of all of my crap. Every time I am in LA I look for someone wearing a gray 3/4 length kenneth cole wool jacket. And when I find that guy watch out.

PS the Kings have won 4 in a row!

Anonymous said...

I miss him too. His picture smiles at me on my computer desk and I talk to him every time I sit down. It doesn't seem possible that he has been gone long enough for the seasons to be coming back around.

His favorite holiday is next week. I believe that he will be there with us at our Thanksgiving table.

Rebecca said...

Lovely post, Heather. Thanks.