Monday, December 22, 2008

You're a Mean One, Mr Grinch

I have lost my fa-la la-la-la.

In the past 10 days I have:

  • Yelled at someone to get off my lawn (ok, it was really my 6 foot tall fence that some teenage girl was using for a balance beam, in the dark no less, but I still felt like a mean old lady when I told her she needed to go climb someone else's fence)
  • Told someone I couldn't be linked with them on Facebook because that's where I talk to my real friends and that I didn't want to have to censor myself (insert foot in mouth, it was a legitimate reason - I work with her)
  • Had an actual meltdown and cried on my way to dinner with friends becuase I just Did Not Want To Go
  • Was told I have no sense of humor (actually, wait -- I said that and the person I was talking to just agreed with me)

I have all my Christmas cards done. All the presents are wrapped and almost all delivered. I'm not traveling anywhere and only have to drive 45 minutes to celebrate Christmas with my parents (on Sunday, no less). There should be no holiday stress left but instead it just seems to be getting worse. I think I'm going completely off the rails.

What is it about the holidays that turn normally rational people into total nut jobs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yelling at people lowers your blood pressure over the long haul!! I get paid to yell at people so dont feel bad that some dumb ass kid was climbing on your fence and you yelled. I would have thrown a baseball and knocked the kid out!!! Have a Merry Christmas. WD