Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Morning

First things first: Rebecca -- this is not at all directed at you -- but your recent post did give me the idea.

I am not a morning person. I think that if I could do my job at night I could do it in half the time, not just because no one would be bugging me but because I have more energy and am more focused. I'd really never need to see the light of day. During the crazy year I spent in the dorms at SSU, my regular time for sleeping was 3am to noon -- it just worked for me and there was no time clock to punch or deadline I couldn't work around. That year I really slept well.

Sleeping is always an issue for me. I used to have a borderline-phobia about sleeping on Sundays -- Monday always felt like the first day of school and I'd get very anxious. That finally went away but I still have nights where I spend more time awake than asleep. I'm sure that's why mornings are just so hard for me -- if I truly slept than maybe getting out of bed wouldn't be so hard.

I think being a morning person is a little like being a vegetarian or a Yankees fan -- there's a little bit of self-importance that goes along with it. I know all that "early to bed, early to rise" stuff, but as a relatively late sleeper and late stayer-upper, I don't think I'm any better or worse than someone who wakes at 5am every day. I don't think everyone has that attitude -- I'm surrounded by these people in my life -- but there is enough of it out there to annoy me.

Please don't hate me because I like to sleep in. I'm not a bad person.

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