Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lookin' for a Good Time

I’ve been away a while.  I still think in posts but just hadn’t sat down to write one in, well, two years.  I can’t believe that much time has passed, in really just a blink.

In the last two years I...
  • Learned how to play fantasy football (but still don’t know the rules for actual football)
  • Completed 4 more classes towards my MBA.  I’m 40% done.
  • Made new friends.
  • Flirted with a boy or two.  Made a total fool of myself at least once.
  • Traveled.  So much traveling it will sound like bragging but I saw so many cool things and people I care about.  Just this year there was Miami, Orange County, Las Vegas, Maine, Las Vegas again, Virginia, New York City, the beach, Las Vegas yet again, with many more places yet to come.
  • Went to 4 plays, at least 5 concerts, ran in 7 races and spent a day at a theme park going Upside Down on roller coasters.
  • Lots of hockey in the winter and spring (on hold now until the lockout ends).
  • Sweated through a baseball game with my dad and cousins in 100 degree heat; saw slightly cooler football with friends.
  • Acquired a bicycle.  (I’ve actually ridden it 3 times!)
  • I went out with new friends one spontaneous night and danced and danced.

What I’m trying to say is I’ve lived.  Sometimes in the day-to-day-ness of work and chores and trying to exercise and whatever else is on my to-do list, I forget to notice I am living my life and having a pretty good time.  

I have more adventures planned this year -- and maybe a few things to say about a long-term house guest -- so I plan to be back.  Hopefully it won't take 2 more years.

1 comment:

Triple-S said...

Don't Need Nothin' But a Good Time.