Thursday, July 31, 2008

Absolutely (Story of a Girl)

If someone asked you to sum up your life, could you?

I'm headed back to So Cal in a day and will be seeing about a dozen girls I haven't seen since high school, longer ago than I care to admit. When I think back to the rose colored days of after school practices, crushes, biology tests and (really unfortunate) big hair, they were all there. It was high school, so of course it was difficult, but there were lots of good times too -- bus rides to Mt Carmel, winning gold medals (I still have mine), initiations, proms...the bad things all fade until you only remember the good.

Ever since this reunion plan was hatched, I've been trying to think of how I am going to explain who I am to these people who knew me once but now don't know me at all. Will I bring up the days at the bank that dissolved into FBI interviews and police tape? The multiple breakups with the guy they all know (and may still talk to?) or the long relationship with the one they don't? How do I explain the years of solitude? (My heart really was just that broken...) How about how I lost my sense of smell last year? How I adore my dog, bought a house, love my job, and live to watch boys on skates? How about my lack of baby pictures to show off but a love for travel that has taken me all over the country? A stronger family than I had 10 years ago and a bunch of friends I'd go to the end of the Earth for....what really is the sum of a person?

I just don't know what I'll say.

1 comment:

shellopez said...

I think you just said it perfectly. =) You are right...we ARE the same people, but not. I cringed at every funky memory of Mike Ingram or some of the silly/stupid things I did as leader. I noticed that everyone was different. I loved seeing who everyone turned into, and it's GOOD that we have evolved over the last 17 years, or that would be sad.
I didn't talk to you as much as I would have liked to...but the cooledt feeling was that I do KNOW you. I may not know all of your experiences, or how they've molded you, but I still know you. I think you are terrific. ;)