Monday, May 08, 2006

All Kinds of Time

I was at game 1 of round 2 against (a-gaynst, not a-genst) the New Jersey Devils on Saturday.  Most reading this know we won (big).  Even at that, it was an amazing game.  We went early and did our California tailgating thing (Chinese take out on lawn chairs in the parking lot with about 18,000 other people -- but they all BBQ'd).  The Hurricanes did a SUPERB job wit their pregame festivities.  They did a slide show on the ice with pictures of the team set to The Rising by Bruce Springsteen -- I get goosebumps just thinking about it.  I am so proud of them for putting on a sophisticated show and not just Stormy chasing a guy dressed up as a devil around the ice.  You just shouldn't do that on national tv.
John Buccigross at ESPN writes a wonderful hockey column and reading him got me into Fountains of Wayne, a band who should be known for much more than the one-hit Stacy's Mom.  If possible to imagine, they do a great cover if Baby, One More Time by Britney Spears.  Yes, that Britney Spears.  I have a few favorites -- today's title track is about a football player watching the play develop in from of him in slow motion.  Hockey can be like that -- an arena holding it's breath as the young star pulls back his stick and shoots....
Time and space
Whatever it takes
Canes in 6 (we always win in 6)

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