Sunday, April 01, 2007

Martha My Dear

I share my birthday with Martha Stewart and Martin Sheen.  I can't suddenly decide I want to pretend to be the president, so I decided I wanted to learn to cook.  This isn't a new thing, I've been trying new things for a couple of years now.  This weekend I made my mother's meatloaf and a spinach, bacon and Swiss cheese quiche.  Not bad if I do say so myself -- there may be hope for me yet.


Rebecca said...

I left my Martha Stewart days behind me a long time ago, but I still, from time to time, make her "Market Meatloaf" (and the very name sounds like it belongs in a J.Crew magazine, doesn't it? I mean, if J.Crew sold meatloaf, it wouldn't just be called "Meatloaf," would it? It would have some sort of sunshiney-weird name that makes you think you Really Need this particular thing because it's So Different from the Same Exact Thing in another catalogue-- but I digress) and it is Delicious. You put carmelized red onions on the top along with a glaze you make out of ketchup and dry mustard and brown sugar. Yum.

Heather said...

It's not so much about wanting to be Martha -- just wanting to cook. I think the people I share my birthday are funny. When I was little it was only the guy who played Danny on the tv version of Fame (he is now 43). I thought he was cute so I thought that was so cool.