Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Can Do Better

More musings on useless knowledge.

I think what I like about the WSoPC so much is that it's one of those shows where you can use those days spent at the movies or hours on the couch watching tv to make you feel smart. I like Jeopardy too, but I never liked science and they have lots of questions about rocks and gasses. Not so fun. Also, it's only on 2 weeks each summer so it isn't played to death like that Millionaire show was. Plus, this has Pat Kiernan and he may be my favorite media-type guy ever.

One category tonight was Dirty Dancing. Who hasn't seen Dirty Dancing? (other than one of the contestants! seriously -- where do they find these people?) Heck, I just saw it last weekend! Oh my gosh -- some guy just got Baby's real name wrong. Susan? Sooooo not right. It Frances you silly boy. Answers included She's Like the Wind, Kellerman's, Wayne Knight, and watermelons. You can probably guess all the questions.

Hmmmm...lesson's learned watching Dirty can meet cute men while carrying fruit to underground parties, never sleep with the smarmy waiter, mambo brings everyone together...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Okay, I have never seen Dirty Dancing. Not the entire thing, anyway. Can't really explain that to you, but it's the truth.

And you've known me how long??

Thanks for the update on your change of address....