Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Such Great Heights

I'm writing my first blog entry from an airplane.  It won't get posted until I get home, but when I get home I don't think I'll have time to write.  Leaving Missouri is always hard, it's not home by any means, but one of the people I adore most lives there and it's hard to leave him.  On the other end of my journey is home and all the things I love best.  I've decided to list them (in no particular order, except coffee may truly by #1):
1.  Starbucks.  They have a Starbucks at the STL airport and I have to admit I had 2 before I got on the plane.  I haven't had my kind of coffee in 7 days.  The kind of coffee that I'm willing to be late to work for each day.  Yum.
2.  Trees, hills, foliage, substance.  Missouri is pretty flat and full of prairies -- sort of like central California.  One of the things I love most about NC is it's version of nature.  We all know I'm not an "outside" person but that's mostly because I have allergies and it messes up my hair.  I do love to look at it.
3.  Music.  St Louis radio stations are full of hip hop and rap -- not exactly my cup of tea.  At home I have 10 radio stations I love, hockey games on tv and my cd collection.  I do need to get the Green Day cd out of my car -- it's been in there for more than 2 months.
4.  My friends.  I know I bothered them at work all week calling when they were busy -- probably busier because I wasn't there -- but when your alone in a house with someone who sleeps a lot, and you are used to the busyness in an office, and you work with some of your favorite people, it's hard not to call and be annoying.
5.  My dog.  My family.  My house.  I need to get back to my dog so she can stop taking Prozac.  Not kidding.
PS -- I'm not sure if I like this song more from Garden State or Gray's Anatomy. 

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