Saturday, March 04, 2006

Have a Nice Day

The rules for attending any type of game or sporting event are easy and should just be known. ( I swear I'm not making them up -- true fans know them.)

1. DO NOT make people stand up to let you pass to get to your seat while the game is in play. You wait until there is a whistle or a buzzer or a time out. You do not return from the concession stand and expect 10 people to stand up, blocking the view of everyone behind them, while the game is in progress. I promise if you wait one minute, maybe two, there will be a break and you can get to your seat and no one will mind. Really, it's just the polite thing to do.

2. If you don't know where your seat is, ask someone. Fans are friendly and will always help. The last three hockey games I have been to have been a comedy of errors as the untrained masses spent whole periods moving from one wrong seat to another -- while the game was in progress -- generally making everyone there to see the game miserable.

3. If you happen to be sitting in the upper reaches of your venue, don't complain about how high your seats are. You are the one who didn't want to spend the money to sit closer. You got what you paid for and others would be thrilled to be where you are. Zip it.

Have fun. Tell your friends. Go Canes.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Where do we get this published!

Heather said...

Think the N&O will listen? Maybe we can hand out flyers outside the ESA, I mean, RBC.